Neil Patel: The Ultimate Guide on How to Get Backlinks

May 31, 2020
Neil Patel has mastered the art of link building. He has countless blogs on SEO. So listen from the SEO Wizard Neil Patel how to get backlinks.

Pretty sure Neil Patel doesn’t need any introduction. But he deserves one. The Wall Street certified influencer. Recognized by Forbes as one of the top 10 marketers. Founder of Neil Patel Digital & Subscribers. This guy has mastered the art of SEO. He is the modern-day link wizard. So, here is our abridged version of “Neil Patel: How to Get Backlinks”.

Neil Patel
Image Credit: Neil Patel

If you are a fan of Neil Patel, then you probably know what a backlink is. Because he says this over and over again. Backlinks are important. Backlinks have the power to influence your page rankings. But it seems like everyone is trying to get on the bandwagon. Hence, it is becoming extremely difficult to create a strong backlink profile.

Link Building Starts...

Every day you send out hundreds of, if not thousands of, emails. In the end, almost nobody links back to you. This is where Neil Patel comes in. Neil has countless blogs on the issue. But are you willing to read all of it? Worry not! We have done it for you.

We have read and selected the best blogs by Neil Patel on how to get backlinks.

The Neil Patel Basics of How to Get Backlinks

Link building basically boils down to three key chapters.

  1. Building Relationship: Relationships will not set you on the right track instantly. However, it pays in the long run. Remember this. You will get backlinks only when other sites will find value in yours.
  2. Appropriate Audience: Don’t broadcast to your audience. Find the right people and contact them.
  3. Personalized Message: Be sure to craft relevant and personalized messages in your outreach campaign.

Building Relationships

Cold outreach programs seldom work. This is where warm relationships come in. Nothing ever comes free. Build relationships and provide value. People will give you backlinks.

1. Leverage Public Relations

Often, in answer to how to get backlinks, Neil Patel says that link building is all about building meaningful relationships. That’s how important it is.

In fact, relationships are the ultimate weapon for generating high profile backlinks. Consider backlinks as compliments. You don't pass compliments to random strangers, do you?

One great way to build relationships is by leveraging your social media contacts. Promote your content on multiple channels. To generate loyal audiences, showcase a transparent and consistent personality across all channels.

Being active on social media will open unseen doors for you. Sometimes you will meet potential clients Chat with them. Share your insights. Maybe even hop on a video call or a coffee shop. These opportunities often lead to guest blogging for them. And guess what guest blogging leads to? Backlinks!

On another note, your social media contacts can be integrated into your email contacts easily. A bigger email list translates into greater opportunities for backlinks.

2. Fix their Website

Quite naturally, not all of your contact will be based on warm relationships. So, your next job is to make a list of websites that you want to be linked with. Once you have it, follow along.

The easiest way to make people link to you is to find a pain point in their websites. Tell them how to fix the issues. If your suggestion proves valuable, some backlinks are on the way.

3. Infographics and Guides:

Tell them that you have crafty infographics and guides relevant to their content. Bloggers know how much readers love infographics. Other than visual diagrams, Neil Patel says, things that will help you to get backlinks are the following:

  • How-to-videos
  • Interactive maps
  • Illustrated timeline
  • Graphic Illustration
  • Original research and data studies

Offer these to the relevant and potential people you want to get backlinks from. These resources will make you stand out in the sea of generic writeups.

Some of my best articles on Neil Patel that have generated over a hundred backlinks are the ones where I have charts - Neil Patel

4. Update them:

You might find that their websites are still linked to outdated articles. Here is where you come in. Give them more relevant and updated articles. Doing so is a win-win situation for both of you.

Firstly, being updated makes them look better to their readers. Secondly, it also helps them get better results on Google metrics. So, as their rankings increase, yours will too. And since you also provided value, they are going to link back to you as well.

5. Write Testimonials for their Website

As counterproductive it sounds, writing testimonials for other websites is actually a great Neil Patel tip on how to get backlinks. After you write good reviews, the third-party site will actually leave a spot for backlinks.

Will the other site link back to you? Highly likely. Because you helped the business with better reviews, hence better sales and conversion. Moreover, such actions are good gestures and help you build a better relationship.

Appropriate Audience

Neil Patel’s second step in how to get backlinks is finding the right person. Often finding is easy. But contacting them is not. You go to their contact page. They don’t have any email. You are left with a form only.

Well, the good news is that there are other tried and tested methods.

1. Competitor Analysis

The easiest way to find the right audience is by analyzing their competition. Find out the sources your competitors are getting backlinks from.

One way to do this is by using backlink analysis tools. The one that Neil suggests is obviously his in-house tool Ubersuggest. This tool will automatically generate the most popular pages on your competitors’ sites.

Say, Neil himself is your competitor. So go to Ubersuggest. Type the URL of Neil Patel’s website. It will show the following results. The following window shows how the site is performing. Pretty impressive stats, right?

Neil Patel Backlink Profile

The next window will show the keywords the page is ranking for.

Neil Patel SEO Keywords Ranking

Finally, this is the most important section for you. You can view the pages that drive traffic to this domain. Now analyze these pages. Copy their profile, if required. But do it better.

Neil Patel Top SEO Pages

2. LinkedIn Hunt:

It’s time to harness the true power of LinkedIn. Go look for people in charge of content marketing. They are your best shots. A quick tip: Don’t knock CEOs and senior executives. They are not going to waste their time linking back to you.

3. Author Bio

Next you can search up the author bio. Then further research about them on LinkedIn. Now you know whether they are the right person to contact. Even if they are not the right people, they will know who are. Either way, you win.

4. Chrome Extensions

This is a sneaky way, but hey! Neil suggests it. Instead of manually looking up in online directories for contact information, you can use Chrome extensions. These extensions will make your life easier. Trust me! They will help you find the correct email address.

Here are some such extensions that Neil suggests. They also come in free versions if you were wondering.

5. Mutual Friends

I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy... In case you are reluctant to use any of the above points, try connecting with the help of mutual friends. This is a lengthy process. But such conversations usually have high conversion points. Simply put, they work well.

Personalized Messages

Now you have the right websites and the right people. The third Neil Patel idea on how to get backlinks is crafting personalized and relevant messages.

1. Build Value-Added Message

Remember the value exchange bit? Now it’s time to create unique messages around that value. Here is a quick sample I made following Neil’s instructions.

Hey X, I noticed that you wrote a great article <insert the link> on How to Get Backlinks. And here is an interactive infographic on the same topic. We hope you like it.

2. Organize your Information

Now create a spreadsheet. This spreadsheet will contain the list of potential websites that you will be approaching. You will also note down the respective messages that you will be sent to each website. Hence, this spreadsheet will act as your notification center. It will contain information as to:

  • who responded (and who did not)
  • who followed up (and who ignored)
  • whom you gave the link
  • whether they added the link

Think of link building as sales. It’s all about the followup.-Neil Patel

3. Use Email Tools

Well, there is always a shortcut tool. You can use email tools such as Mailshake. These tools will automatically adjust the tone of your message. You can also make them personalized in less time.

How to Get Backlinks Through Great Content

All this time we have focusing on building relationships to generate backlinks. The underlying assumption was that your content is great. However, you can have great PR campaigns and outreach programs. But without content, nothing matters. Content is the center of your SEO solar system.

1. Content Starts with your Competitors

Remember how we did a competitor analysis. Now it’s time to focus on the page titles and URLs of the linked pages. Select 5 to 10 titles that grab your attention. Now, think of even better strategies to craft your content.

You have to do something extra as well. Click on each selected title and skim through their content. Note down the following points as you go along.

  • The average number of images the blog posts have
  • Word count of the blog posts
  • The titles and how they are crafted
  • The types of images featured in the posts
  • The title tags
  • The meta descriptions

2. Incorporate the Findings in your Own

The bottom line is to do everything better than your competitors.

  • Word count helps in your SEO efforts. So write a blog with more word count than your competitors’.
  • Images help as well. Therefore, include more images in your posts.
  • Write an eye-catching title that compels people to click but don’t spam.
  • Feature interesting and relevant images.
  • Finally, write precise title tags and compelling meta descriptions.

3. Original Studies, Original Stories

Well, you don’t have to copy and improve all the time. You can always create original studies. Having original data that no one has sets you apart from everyone. But don’t do so aimlessly.

Ask the following questions.

  • Who am I designing the study for?
  • Will they find my study relevant and useful?
  • Is my methodology accurate?

One easy way to create original data is by conducting a survey. One such tool for this occasion that Neil suggests is Google Forms. Create a robust form and disseminate the forms to your email contact. As said before, personalize the message.

Afterward, compile your data, publish them, and create an original story based on the findings. Now anyone willing to use the data will have to link back to you.

4. Long-Form Guides

More publishers are nowadays cutting short on word count. Blogs are getting shorter. Here’s a way you can leverage this loophole and stand out.

Find something trending and useful that people are searching for. Then as stated previously, analyze your competitors, and create a long-form guide. Word count for such guides usually ranges around 12,000 to 15,0000 words.

Such guides help because they provide such substantial value to your readers that they are willing to convert into your customers. Moreover, it helps you establish trust and authority.

5. Guest blogging

Guest blogging is Neil’s favorite method for building links and exposure. Some guest blogs even let you link back to your website. It is considered a symbiotic relation. In exchange for your great content, they are giving you backlink opportunities.

However, some guest blogs don’t allow you to insert backlinks. The trick is to insert a link in your author’s bio. Keep the byline precise sharp. Inform readers about who you are and what you do. Don’t forget to mention what value you bring. Finally, link to your site. Free brownie points if you can insert multiple links wisely.

Here is an example. Consider the bold part as links you inserted.

<Your Name> offers free courses in SEO on how to get backlinks. Known to entrepreneurs as <Your Cool Industry Name>, he/she has helped people transform their websites into high-ranking platforms. When <Your Name> is not busy optimizing websites, he/she reads fantasy books and binges on Netflix.

Share your weird thought with him/her at

Last Thoughts

Link building takes years and years. If you are not getting instant results, hang in there, fellow friend. It takes mad creativity, lots of hard work, and excellent human skills.

The number of blogs Neil Patel has produced on how to get backlinks is truly inspiring and overwhelming. But I have tried my level best to compile them and create a robust article. If you have further tips on how to get backlinks, please leave a comment below.

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Backlink SEO analyzes the links pointing to a website, and provides insights into their quality, quantity, and potential impact on SEO performance.
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